The tug-of-war of life

Manda Stack
2 min readAug 25, 2022
Are you called by desire or chased by fear?

What would it be like to be called by your desires instead of chased by your fears?

Really, what would that be like?

How does it feel in your body to be called by your desires while fears fade into the background?

For me, it feels warm, expansive, light, and uplifting.

But then those pesky fears sometimes pull me back, keep me wanting to be safe and small, and do what’s “right” and “expected” by others.

Can you relate to this?

One of the things I’ve learned through hard-earned experience is that our desires are where the power, motivation, and magic happen — ESPECIALLY when we’re facing a decision point in our life.

There was a time when I went back and forth between my desire to have my own coaching and energy clearing business and my fear of leaving the known structure of my career as a pastor. This tug-of-war lasted a LONG time.

It was only when I sought support and hired someone to help hold the vision of my desire that I was able to finally step into what I knew deep down was truly possible for me.

What desires are calling you?

What fears are chasing you?

I’d love to hear what’s going on for you. Schedule your Heart and Soul Strategy session today.

Let’s keep the conversation going

What would become available for you if you achieved your desire? What’s holding you back from pursuing it? Share in the comments — I’d love to hear!

About Manda

I’m Manda Stack, Intuitive Coach and Energy Clearing Specialist. I’ve dedicated my life to helping people get calm, clear, and connected so that they can make empowered decisions to live with joy, confidence, and freedom. My signature services include intuitive coaching and personal energy clearing sessions, which are done virtually through Zoom sessions. Click here for more information.



Manda Stack

Intuitive Coach and Energy Clearing Specialist, Manda supports your expansion into a life of living your purpose in freedom and confidence.