Listening to your intuition

Manda Stack
2 min readSep 1, 2022
Will it take a brick or a whisper?

True confession: As a professional intuitive, I haven’t always listened to my own intuitive messages for myself. There were many times when I would feel a small inner nudge, but then my mind jumped in with objections and overruled that quiet knowing.

This showed up by

  • Saying yes to things that didn’t light me up, then feeling obligated to see it through.
  • Holding my tongue when I should’ve spoken.
  • Speaking out when I should’ve said nothing.
  • Taking volunteer positions to please others instead of from a true spirit of service

Can you relate?

Oprah Winfrey said, “Life whispers to you all the time. If you don’t hear the whisper, life throws you a cotton ball, and if you don’t notice the cotton ball, you’ll get a pebble. And if you don’t catch the pebble, you get a brick.”

It’s too bad we have to put up with some pebbles and bricks to learn the lesson of just how much our intuition wants to serve us. The Latin word for intuition is “tueri,” which means “to project,” or “to guard.”

Your inner wisdom serves a vital purpose in your life. And there’s no better time than right now to build our relationship with our intuition to help us navigate the many changes of life.

Let’s keep the conversation going

Have you ever had an experience of ignoring your inner prompting, only to have it come back to you in a much louder way? How do you pay attention to the “whispers?” Share in the comments — I’d love to hear!

About Manda

I’m Manda Stack, Intuitive Coach and Energy Clearing Specialist. I’ve dedicated my life to helping people get calm, clear, and connected so that they can make empowered decisions to live with joy, confidence, and freedom. My signature services include intuitive coaching and personal energy clearing sessions, which are done virtually through Zoom sessions. Click here for more information.



Manda Stack

Intuitive Coach and Energy Clearing Specialist, Manda supports your expansion into a life of living your purpose in freedom and confidence.