How to prioritize your happiness

Manda Stack
2 min readSep 8, 2022
Do you have FOMO or JOMO?

One of the things I’ve heard from my clients is that during the pandemic they felt a new sense of permission to let go of things that they didn’t really want to do anymore. Their focus and priorities became super clear.

There was a shift from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to JOMO (Joy of Missing Out).

People stepped back from things that no longer lit them up. Then they realized how good it felt to release themselves from the pressure to keep up and not miss out.

For example: I unsubscribed like crazy from email newsletters that were no longer (or never were) a fit for me. Previously when I’d see those emails, I’d have to cycle through a decision process: should I open, read, sign up for their offering, archive for referencing later, delete, unsubscribe?

I didn’t realize how much mental energy it took to sort through my emails each day. Now, my unsubscribe finger is much faster and more decisive. I can always go back and re-subscribe if I want, however, simply opening up a bit of mental bandwidth by not having to sort/delete as much has felt so freeing.

What might you be ready to release or say no to?

Remember that it’s your decision! You get to decide — and take action (or not).

I love that the root word for “decide” is from de- ‘off’ + caedere ‘cut.’ So to decide means to “cut off” and to release one possibility in favor of another. This is often what stops us from making decisions. We’re afraid of missing out if we cut something away. However, making a firm, aligned decision actually frees us up to receive more of what we DO want.

Have you experienced less FOMO and more JOMO lately?

What can you do today to release (cut off) one thing to lighten your load today?

Let’s keep the conversation going

What’s ONE thing you’re ready to do, stop doing, be, stop being, have, or stop having? Share in the comments — I’d love to hear!

About Manda

I’m Manda Stack, Intuitive Coach and Energy Clearing Specialist. I’ve dedicated my life to helping people get calm, clear, and connected so that they can make empowered decisions to live with joy, confidence, and freedom. My signature services include intuitive coaching and personal energy clearing sessions, which are done virtually through Zoom sessions. Click here for more information.



Manda Stack

Intuitive Coach and Energy Clearing Specialist, Manda supports your expansion into a life of living your purpose in freedom and confidence.